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PHOTO MARATHON 2016Saturday October 22 2016View PhotosSee Event Photos

FRAME, L’Asilo, Sylabs, 15-38 Réseau Med, Enzima, Jordan Pioneers, and Institute Apis, have teamed up to bring you the 2016 Photo Marathon. Across the region, photographers will take to the streets to simultaneously document 12 secret themes in 12 hours resulting in a collection of photos depicting one day in the life of seven cities. Together, we will document our people and communities to produce a rich documentary archive. By focusing our efforts and imaginations through one collective eye, we hope to trigger dialogue and to uncover the many similarities and differences which encircle our sea.


Only photographers that have submitted 12 photos qualify for judging. The finalists and winners are selected based on their collection of 12 photos, not for individual photos. Judging criteria in order of importance:

Documentary value and interpretation of theme: how well does the photo depict the theme it documents?
Overall Impression: is the photo able to grab the viewer’s attention and hold it?
Creativity: is the subject matter pictured in a unique way or is a common item shown from an interesting point-of-view? Does the photo demonstrate originality?
Technical Quality: are the items of interest placed well in the photo? Is the photo in focus? Is lighting in balance? Is depth of field considered/used?


10am: briefing and first 4 themes distributed at Université Saint-Joseph, Huvelin (map)
2pm: submit first 4 photos and receive the next 4 themes at Makhzoumi Foundation (map)
6pm: submit second set of 4 photos and receive last 4 themes at Sursock Museum (map)
10pm: submit remaining 4 photos at Université Saint-Joseph, Huvelin (map)

8:30am: briefing and first 4 themes distributed at La Baignoire (map)
1pm: submit first 4 photos and receive the next 4 themes at Artissimo (map) or Sylabs (map)
5pm: submit second set of 4 photos and receive last 4 themes at Sylabs (map)
9pm: submit remaining 4 photos at Sylabs (map)

10am: briefing and first 4 themes distributed at Pan | Palazzo delle Arti Napoli (map)
2pm: submit first 4 photos and receive the next 4 themes at l’Asilo (map)
6pm: submit second set of 4 photos and receive last 4 themes at LESS, Opera don Calabria (map)
10pm: submit remaining 4 photos at l’Asilo (map)

10am: briefing and first 4 themes distributed at Palazzo Cefalà (map)
2pm: submit first 4 photos and receive the next 4 themes at Libera Palermo (map)
5pm: submit second set of 4 photos and receive last 4 themes at Arci Porco Rosso (map)
8pm: submit remaining 4 photos at Ex Fonderia Oretea, piazza Tarzanà (Cala) (map)

10am: briefing and first 4 themes distributed at Parvis du Mucem (map)
2pm: submit first 4 photos and receive the next 4 themes at École de la deuxième chance (map)
6pm: submit second set of 4 photos and receive last 4 themes at Friche Belle de mai (to be confirmed) (map)
10pm: submit remaining 4 photos at Vidéodrome (map)

10am: briefing and first 4 themes distributed at Jordan Pioneers (map)
2pm: submit first 4 photos and receive the next 4 themes at Duke House (map)
6pm: submit second set of 4 photos and receive last 4 themes at Fan wa Chai (map)
10pm: submit remaining 4 photos at Jordan Pioneers (map)

10am: briefing and first 4 themes distributed at START LOCATION: Atrij ZRC, Novi trg 2)
2pm: submit first 4 photos and receive the next 4 themes at CHECKPOINT 1: ČMC Bežigrad, Vojkova 73)
6pm: submit second set of 4 photos and receive last 4 themes at CHECKPOINT 2: Zavod Kersnikova, Kersnikova 4)
10pm: submit remaining 4 photos at FINISH LOCATION: Atrij ZRC, Novi trg 2)
FRAME (Liban), L’Asilo (Italie), Sylabs (Algérie), 15-38 Réseau Med (France),  Enzima (Sicile), Jordan Pioneers (Jordanie) et Institute Apis (Slovénie) se sont unis pour vous préparer le Photo marathon 2016. A travers ces pays, des photographes s’empareront des rues des capitales pour simultanément capturer 12 thèmes secrets en 12 heures, produisant ainsi une collection de photographies, témoignages d’une journée dans la vie de ces sept villes. Ensemble, nous décrirons nos sociétés et populations pour produire de précieuses archives documentaires. En concentrant nos efforts et pensées à travers un regard collectif, nous espérons déclencher un dialogue et dévoiler les nombreuses ressemblances et différences qui entourent notre mer.

Rejoignez-nous !


Seuls les photographes qui soumettent 12 photographies sont qualifiés pour le jury. Les finalistes et gagnants sont sélectionnés sur leur collection de 12 photos, non sur des photos uniques. Les critères retenus par le jury sont, par ordre d’importance :

Valeur documentaire et interprétation du thème : est-ce que la photo dépeint correctement le thème qu’elle documente ?
Impression générale : est-ce que la photo est capable d’attirer l’attention du spectateur et de la retenir ?
Créativité : est-ce que le sujet est capturé d’une façon particulière ou est-ce que l’objet est montré d’un point de vue intéressant ? Est-ce que l’image démontre de l’originalité ?
Qualité technique : est-ce que les sujets / objets dignes d’intérêt sont bien positionnés sur la photo ? Est-ce la mise au point de la photographie est correcte ? Est-ce que l'éclairage de la photographie est bon ? Est-ce que la profondeur de champ est prise en compte / utilisée ?

8H30: Accueil et distribution des 4 premiers thèmes à La Baignoire (map)
13H: remise des 4 premières photos et distribution des 4 thèmes suivants à Artissimo (map) ou Sylabs (map)
17H : remise de la seconde série de 4 photos et distribution des 4 derniers thèmes à Sylabs (map)
21H: remise des 4 thèmes restants à Sylabs (map)

10H: Accueil et distribution des 4 premiers thèmes au Parvis du Mucem (map)
14H: remise des 4 premières photos et distribution des 4 thèmes à l’ École de la deuxième chance (map)
18H: remise de la seconde série de 4 photos et distribution des 4 derniers thèmes à la Friche Belle de mai (à confirmer) (map)
22H remise des 4 thèmes restants au Vidéodrome (map)

تتعاون كل منFRAMEL’Asilo, Sylabs, 15-38 Réseau Med, Enzima, Jordan Pioneers و Institute Apis  لتنفيذ ماراثون التصوير ٢٠١٦.

سينزل المصورون إلى الشوارع ليوثقوا ١٢ موضوعاً خلال ١٢ ساعة مما سينتج مجموعة كبيرة من الصور تمثل يوماً واحداً في كل من المدن السبعة. سوياً، سنوثق مجتمعاتنا واهلنا لننتج أرشيف غني من خلال أعين مجموعات مختلفة.

من خلال تركيز جهودنا وخيالنا من خلال عين جماعية واحدة، نأمل أن نبدأ حوار حول العديد من أوجه التشابه والاختلاف التي تجمع بحرنا. انضم إلينا!

بيروت - جدول ماراثون التصوير

10:00: التجمع و توزيع أول مجموعة من ٤ مواضيع Université Saint-Joseph, Huvelin (map)

02:00: تقديم المجموعة الأولى من ٤ صور والحصول على المجموعة الثانية من ٤ المواضيع مؤسسة مخزومي (map)

06:00: تقديم المجموعة الثانية من ٤ صور والحصول على المجموعة الثالثة من ٤ المواضيع مؤسسة في متحف سرسق (map)

10:00: تقديم المجموعة المتبقية من أخر ٤ صور في  Université Saint-Joseph, Huvelin (map)

الجزائر - جدول ماراثون التصوير

08:30: التجمع و توزيع أول مجموعة من ٤ مواضيع في La Baignoire (خريطة)

01:00: تقديم المجموعة الأولى من ٤ صور والحصول على المجموعة الثانية من ٤ المواضيع في Artissimo (خريطة) أو Sylabs (خريطة)

05:00: تقديم المجموعة الثانية من ٤ صور والحصول على المجموعة الثالثة من ٤ المواضيع في Sylabs (خريطة)

09:00: تقديم المجموعة المتبقية من أخر ٤ صور في  Sylabs (خريطة)

عمان - جدول ماراثون التصوير

10:00: التجمع و توزيع أول مجموعة من ٤ مواضيع في Jordan Pioneers (map)

02:00: تقديم المجموعة الأولى من ٤ صور والحصول على المجموعة الثانية من ٤ المواضيع في Duke House (map)

06:00: تقديم المجموعة الثانية من ٤ صور والحصول على المجموعة الثالثة من ٤ المواضيع في Fan wa Chai (map)

10:00: تقديم المجموعة المتبقية من أخر ٤ صور في Jordan Pioneers (map)

معايير لجنة التحكيم

يتأهل للمنافسة المصورون الذين قدموا 12 صورة. ويتم اختيار المرشحين والفائزين على أساس المجموعة الكاملة (12 صورة)، وليس على أساس الصور الفردية.

معايير التحكيم (مرتبة بحسب الأهمية):

القيمة الوثائقية وطريقة معالجة الموضوع: إلى أي مدى تشرح\توثق الصورة الموضوع؟

الانطباع العام: هي الصورة قادرة على جذب انتباه المشاهد؟

الإبداع: هو الموضوع مصور بطريقة فريدة من نوعها؟  أم هنالك عنصر مشترك يظهر بطريقة مثيرة للاهتمام؟ هل تظهر الصورة إبداع؟

الجودة الفنية: هل عناصر الصورة موضوعة بشكل جيد في الصورة؟  هل ضوء في الصورة متوازن؟ هل إستخدم المصور عمق الميدان التصويري في الصورة؟

FRAME, L’Asilo , Sylabs , 15-38 Réseau Med, Enzima, Jordan Pioneers, e Institute Apis organizzano la Photo Marathon 2016 -- Beirut, Napoli, Algiers, Marseille, Palermo, Amman e Lubiana. Da una parte all’altra del Mediterraneo, 100 fotografi per città scenderanno in strada per documentare simultaneamente 12 temi in 12 ore con l’obiettivo comune di immortalare una giornata nella vita delle sette città. Insieme documenteremo i luoghi e le comunità che li vivono, partecipando alla costruzione di un archivio collettivo che sarà risorsa per incontrarsi e confrontarsi attraverso la creatività del  linguaggio fotografico. Modelli di pensiero, similitudini e differenze emergeranno dagli scatti dei partecipanti, generando e promuovendo dialogo, conoscenza e integrazione.


Criteri di selezione della giuria
Saranno considerati per la selezione dei vincitori (uno per città) solo i fotografi che consegneranno un’intera galleria (12 foto). Il giudizio della giuria sarà espresso valutando le gallerie e non le singole foto.

In ordine di importanza, la giuria seguirà i seguenti criteri:
Valore descrittivo e interpretazione dei temi:
quanto le foto riescono a rappresentare i temi da documentare?
Impressione complessiva: riescono le foto a catturare l’attenzione di chi le osserva e mantenerla?
Creatività: il soggetto della foto è rappresentato in un modo unico? La foto racconta un punto di vista interessante e personale? C’è originalità nello scatto?
Qualità tecniche: i soggetti/oggetti sono posti nella corretta posizione nella foto? La messa a fuoco è corretta? Il bilanciamento delle luci è corretto? E’ presa in considerazione o usata la profondità di campo?

Napoli: Programma della maratona
10:00: incontro introduttivo e distribuzione dei primi 4 temi presso PAN, Palazzo del Arti Napoli ( map )
14:00: consegna delle prime 4 foto e distribuzione dei successi 4 temi presso L’Asilo ( map )
18:00: consegna delle successive 4 foto e distribuzione dei successivi 4 temi presso LESS, Opera don Calabria (map)
22:00: consegna delle ultime 4 foto presso L’Asilo ( map )

Palermo: Programma della maratona
10:00: incontro introduttivo e distribuzione dei primi 4 temi presso Palazzo Cefalà (map)
14:00: consegna delle prime 4 foto e distribuzione dei successi 4 temi presso Libera Palermo (map)
17:00: consegna delle successive 4 foto e distribuzione dei successivi 4 temi presso Arci Porco Rosso (map)
20:00: consegna delle ultime 4 foto presso Ex Fonderia Oretea, piazza Tarzanà (Cala) (map)

Past Events


    Une sélection de photographies sera publiée dans L'Oeil de la Photographie, Agenda Culturel, Il Gazzettino Vesuviano, et Cafe Babel

    Exposition d'une sélection de photographies prises au cours du Photo marathon, tirages offert par "Design and manufacturing center" (DMC) à Alger et le laboratoire Camera Photo Doc à Marseille.

    Photographier le Sahara: un séjour de 3 jours pour 2 personnes à Taghit comprenant l'hébergement, la demi-pension, les visites et soirées, offert par la maison d'hôtes Dar Terrehut, transport non compris

    Un abonnement de deux mois à l'espace de coworking Sylabs à Alger

        JURY AWARD

          Selection of images will be published in L'Oeil de la Photographie, Agenda Culturel, Il Gazzettino Vesuviano, and Cafe Babel

          Exhibition of a selection of images in Marseille and Algiers (printing provided by DMC and Camera Photo Doc

              JURY AWARD

                Selection of images will be published in L'Oeil de la Photographie, Agenda Culturel, Il Gazzettino Vesuviano, and Cafe Babel

                Exhibition of a selection of images in Marseille and Algiers (printing provided by DMC and Camera Photo Doc

                    JURY AWARD

                      Selection of images will be published in L'Oeil de la Photographie, Agenda Culturel, Il Gazzettino Vesuviano, and Cafe Babel

                      Exhibition of a selection of images in Marseille and Algiers (printing provided by DMC and Camera Photo Doc

                      50€ gift card for COOP Sicilia 

                          JURY AWARD

                            Selection of images will be published in L'Oeil de la Photographie, Agenda Culturel, Il Gazzettino Vesuviano, and Cafe Babel

                            Exposition d'une sélection de photographies prises au cours du Photo marathon, tirages offert par "Design and manufacturing center" (DMC) à Alger et le laboratoire Camera Photo Doc à Marseille.

                            Bon cadeau de 150 euros chez Imalize Store, spécialiste de l'impression 3D !

                                JURY AWARD

                                  Selection of images will be published in L'Oeil de la Photographie, Agenda Culturel, Il Gazzettino Vesuviano, and Cafe Babel

                                  Exhibition of a selection of images in Marseille and Algiers (printing provided by DMC and Camera Photo Doc

                                  Workshop of your choice from Darat Al Tasweer.  Options include:
                                  For beginners:  The Art of Photography "road to professionalism" - 10 training classes (worth of 250JD). "Natural Light portrait photography" - 6 training classes - (worth of 180JD). "Desert Photography / capturing the magic of Wadi Rum" - 2 full days workshop - (worth of 120JD)

                                  150 JOD cash prize and participation in an exhibition at Darat Al Tasweer

                                      JURY AWARD

                                        Selection of images will be published in L'Oeil de la Photographie, Agenda Culturel, Il Gazzettino Vesuviano, and Cafe Babel

                                        Exhibition of a selection of images in Marseille and Algiers (printing provided by DMC and Camera Photo Doc

                                            ONLINE VOTE

                                              The photographer whose photo receives the most online votes will be awarded 300USD courtesy of FRAME.LIFE

                                                  ONLINE VOTE

                                                    The photographer whose photo receives the second most online votes will be awarded 200USD courtesy of FRAME.LIFE

                                                        Past Events

                                                        Take part with a digital camera or high quality mobile phone. Please bring necessary transfer devices with you (memory cards, USB's, etc.)

                                                        You must capture 12 images on all 12 themes (1 image per theme)

                                                        Information on each photo must be recorded in the photographer notebook distributed by the organizers

                                                        All images must be taken using the same device

                                                        You may use flashes, filters, and tripods

                                                        All images must be shot as JPEG files. RAW files will not be accepted.

                                                        You are not permitted to edit the images, use any image-processing programs or use images that are not taken during Photo Marathon. You are not permitted to amend the filename or any exif-data related to the images.

                                                        MOST IMPORTANTLY
                                                        Stay safe and exercise good judgment in taking your photos. Remember that taking photos of security forces and military is prohibited in some cities. If you must, always ask before taking a photo of any sensitive site or neighborhoods.
                                                        •         Utilisez un appareil photo numérique (reflex, compact,…) ou un téléphone mobile ayant une caméra avec une bonne résolution. Prière d’apporter avec vous des supports de transfert de fichiers (cartes mémoires, clés usb).

                                                        •         Vous devez soumettre une photo pour chacun des 12 thèmes.

                                                        •         Les informations relatives à chaque photo doivent être inscrites dans les bulletins imprimés distribués par les organisateurs.

                                                        •         Toutes les photos doivent être prises par le même dispositif (appareil photo ou téléphone mobile).

                                                        •         Toutes les photos doivent être en format JPEG. Les photos en format RAW ne seront pas acceptées.

                                                        •         Vous êtes autorisés à utiliser les flashs, les filtres et les trépieds.

                                                        •         Vous n’êtes pas autorisés à retoucher ou éditer les photos, utiliser des logiciels de traitement photos ou soumettre des photos qui n’ont pas été prises lors du Photo Marathon. Vous n’êtes pas autorisés à changer les noms des fichiers et les données Exif des photos.

                                                            يمكن استعمال كاميرا رقمية او هاتف ذي جودة عالية، والرجاء إحضار الادوات اللازمة لنقل الصور.


                                                        •    يجب التقاط 12 صورة ل12 موضوعا (صورة خاصة لكل موضوع).


                                                        •    على المصور ان يسجل المعلومات الخاصة بكل صورة على الدفتر الموزع عليه من المنظمين.


                                                        •    على جميع الصور ان تؤخذ من جهاز التصوير نفسه.


                                                        •    جميع الصور يجب ان تكون مأخوذة على نظام JPEG. الصور المأخوذة على نظام RAW غير مقبولة.


                                                        •   لكم حرية استخدام ادوات الاضاءة وفلاتر للعدسات كما يحق لكم استعمال منصب ثلاثي القوائم (tripod).


                                                        •    من غير المسموح : التلاعب بالصور، استعمال أي برامج خاصة لتعديلها، تسليم أي صور لم تؤخذ يوم إجراء الماراتون، تغيير اسم الملف الخاص بالصور او قاعدة البيانات المتعلقة بها.

                                                        ملاحظة مهمّة:

                                                        الرجاء الإنتباه الى سلامتكم واتخاذ القرارات الرشيدة بما يخص الصور. تذكّرو بأنه من الممنوع في القانون اللبناني التقاط اي صور للقوى الأمنية والعسكرية. إذا كان من الأساسي التقاط صور في مناطق أو أحياء "حسّاسة"، من المفضّل أخذ الإذن من المسؤولين عن المكان. سيزوّدكم المنظمون بكل المعلومات اللازمة لضمان أمنكم وسلامتكم خلال المقدّمة الصباحية للنشاط – الرجاء الإلتزام بنصائحهم.

                                                        نتمنّى لكم الإستمتاع بالنشاط!


                                                        È possibile partecipare con una fotocamera digitale o con uno smartphone di ultima generazione. Ogni iscritto deve portare il necessario per il  trasferimento dei file (memory card, USB, etc..).

                                                        Saranno accettate unicamente fotografie scattate durante la manifestazione.  Per ogni tema è possibile consegnare un'unica fotografia.

                                                        Ogni partecipante dovrà riportare informazioni relative alle fotografie consegnate su un apposito taccuino fornito dall'organizzazione.

                                                        Tutte le fotografie devono essere scattate con lo stesso dispositivo.

                                                        Le fotografie vanno consegnate in formato JPEG. Le foto scattate in RAW non saranno accettate.

                                                        È possibile usare flash, filtri e cavalletti.

                                                        È vietato modificare le immagini e utilizzare qualsiasi effetto di post-produzione.

                                                        Scatta con rispetto e assicurati di non fotografare luoghi sensibili o persone senza chiedere loro il consenso. Ma soprattutto non dimenticare la cosa più importante: divertiti

                                                        Past Events

                                                        Patrick Baz
                                                        Patrick Baz is French-Lebanese, born in Beirut in 1963. He was twelve when war broke out in 1975. Living near the demarcation line separating the Christian and Muslim zones, Baz was stimulated by what was going on around him to take up photography at an early age. Lebanon became his training ground. Between 1980 and 1988, he worked as a freelance photojournalist. His pictures were published in major international magazines like Paris Match, TIME, NewsWeek, Stern, Spiegel, l’Express, L’Espresso etc. In 1989, Agence France-Presse (AFP) gave him the opportunity to cover the First Intifada in Gaza and the West Bank. He also covered the First Gulf War in 1990, and later conflicts in Kurdistan, Somalia, Bosnia, Iraq and Afghanistan. Baz is currently AFP’s photo manager for the MENA region, but continues to work as a photographer on the field. He recently covered the Arab revolutions in Egypt and Libya.He sat as a member of the World Press Photo jury, the Bayeux Calvados Award for War Correspondents among other prestigious awards. Baz won two POYi (Pictures of the Year International) Award delivered by the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute at the Missouri School of Journalism. In 2009 Baz published “Don’t Take My Picture, Iraqis Don’t Cry”.

                                                        Patrick Baz, photo-reporter franco-libanais né à Beyrouth en 1963, est directeur photo de l’AFP pour le Moyen-Orient depuis 20 ans. Il n’a que 12 ans quand la guerre du Liban éclate, en 1975. Habitant près de la ligne de démarcation séparant les Chrétiens des Musulmans, Patrick Baz se met à photographier ce qui se passe autour de lui, malgré son jeune âge. Le Liban devient son terrain d’apprentissage. Entre 1980 et 1988, il travaille comme photo-journaliste freelance, ses images sont publiées dans des magazines internationaux tels que Paris Match, Time, NewsWeek, Stern, Spiegel, L’Express, etc. En 1989, l’Agence France Presse (AFP) lui donne l’opportunité de couvrir la première Intifada. Entre temps, il couvre d’autres conflits qui secouent la planète, notamment la première guerre du Golfe en 1990, le Kurdistan en 1991, la Somalie, l’enfer de Sarajevo en 1993, les guerres d’Irak et d’Afghanistan dans les années 2000 et plus récemment les soulèvements en Egypte et en Libye.

                                                        Iain Chambers
                                                        Iain Chambers was born in northern England in 1949. He has lived for many years in Naples, Italy, where he teaches at the Oriental University. He has written extensively on metropolitan and postcolonial cultures, and is presently engaged in re-thinking the conditions of a multiple modernity in the context of the Mediterranean.

                                                        Iain Chambers est né dans le nord de l’Angleterre en 1949. Il a vécu de nombreuses années à Naples (Italie) où il a enseigné à l’Université « L’Orientale ». Après avoir abondamment écrit sur les cultures métropolitaines et post-coloniales, il est actuellement engagé dans un renouvellement de la pensée des conditions d’une modernité dans le contexte méditerranéen.
                                                        Bruno Hadjih
                                                        Bruno Hadjih is a documentary photographer born in Algeria (Kabylie). His works focus on the redefinition of areas described as intangible, mental space and geographic space. His main projects deal with changes in Muslim societies and, in particular, their historical flaws. His work on Sufism over a 15-year period has contributed to raising awareness of this philosophy in Europe. For the past five years he has been working on Saharan sites, which are traditionally seen as unchanging. Bruno has worked with The New York Times, Stern, Le Monde and Geo. His pictures have been exposed in Europe, America and Africa.

                                                        Bruno Hadjih est un photographe documentaire né en Kabylie en Algérie. Il vit et travaille entre Paris, le Gers (France) et le Sahara. Après des études de sociologie, il s'oriente vers la photographie documentaire, plasticienne. Ses travaux portent particulièrement sur la redéfinition des espaces décrits comme intangibles, espace mental, espace géographique.

                                                        Après avoir longuement travaillé sur le soufisme - ses images rendant compte du dynamisme de la pratique soufie à travers le traitement qu’il fait de la couleur et du mouvement - Bruno Hadjih explore ces dernières années les espaces sahariens. Dans son traitement du sujet, il met en exergue le moment où les éléments naturels et les aventures humaines se concilient, l’instant où intervient l’ingéniosité de laquelle dépend la survie. Les photographies de Bruno Hadjih ont fait l’objet de plusieurs expositions en Europe, en Amérique et en Afrique.

                                                        Francesco Bellina
                                                        Francesco Bellina is an award-winning freelance photographer based in Palermo. After spending several years studying Law at University of Palermo, he decides to devote himself entirely to the photography. He works on documentary and contemporary photography, preferring political, social and economic issues. He attended a course on photoediting at Officine Fotografiche, in Rome. In 2016 he was nominated for the World Press Photo Joop Swart Masterclass. Some of his pictures have been published by  Internazionale, Left, The Guardian, L'Espresso, Repubblica and others.

                                                        Francesco Bellina est un photographe indépendant basé à Palerme. Après avoir passé plusieurs années à étudier le droit à l'Université de Palerme, il décide de se consacrer entièrement à la photographie. Il travaille la photographie documentaire et contemporaine, préférant les sujets politiques, sociaux et économiques. Il a également suivi un cursus en édition photo à l'Officine Fotografiche de Rome. En 2016, il est nominé pour le World Press Photo Joop Stwart Masterclass. Certains de ses clichés ont été publiés dans les revues et publications Internazionale, Left, The Guardian, L'Espresso et la Repubblica.
                                                        Manca Juvan & Meta Krese

                                                        Manca Juvan is a freelance photographer, who along with a BA in Photography has more than a decade of working experience throughout the field and around the world.

                                                        Juvan’s long-term project “Unordinary Lives” documents the consequences of the Afghanistan War through the stories of ordinary Afghans and it was published as a book in 2010, and an English edition followed in 2012.

                                                        Among other recognitions (she was a participant in the Eddie Adams Barnstorm workshop, a nominee for the World Press Photo Joop Swart Masterclass and Foam Paul Huf Award), Juvan was selected Photographer of the Year in Slovenia for her reportage work in 2006, 2007 and 2008. She’s been twice commended - in 2005 and 2006 - for her work on Afghanistan by the Slovenian Association of Journalists and she received two main prizes in the „Lens on Development” photo contest.

                                                        Her work was exhibited in Slovene Museum of Modern Art as well as on festivals and different exhibition venues in Luxembourg, New York, Washington, Brussels, Paris and elsewhere. Her photographs have appeared among others in The Times, National Geographic, and The Guardian.

                                                        She was a member of the international photography collective SPUTNIK photos and was a Magnum Foundation Human Rights Fellow in 2011.

                                                        Manca's recent long term-photo project focuses on preserving memory of Italian Fascist Concentration Camps. She works as a mentor on photo documentary workshops, college and university photography programs.


                                                        Meta Krese studied photography in London at a time when knowing one's way around the dark room still meant something. As a journalist and photographer she works for Slovenian newspapers and magazines, occasionally for foreign ones as well; she is the author of two monographs on photography, has provided photographs for several books, some of which she wrote, not to mention she was the editor of Fotografija, a Slovenian photography magazine for a decade and Adria Airways Magazine. Her numerous articles, mostly concerning social themes, come from Slovenia and more remote places, but also from the less distant but nonetheless interesting Balkan countries. She has prepared a number of solo and collaborated in several collective exhibitions.

                                                        She has worked with humanitarian organisations such us Red Cross Slovenia, International Trust Fund for Demining and Mine Victim Assistance and ISOP – Innovative Sozialprojekte with poet and writer Maruša Krese.

                                                        Now she teaches photojournalism at the University of Ljubljana and at VIST (Higher school of applied sciences) in Ljubljana.

                                                        She has received numerous prestigious awards. She lives and works in Ljubljana.

                                                        Linda Al Khoury & Zohrab
                                                        Zohrab is the personal photographer of his late majesty King Hussain for 22 years, his passion for photography started from the 60s, Late king Hussain and from his belief in Zohrab’s abilities sent him on a scholarship to learn photography in NY where he improved himself. He is adventurous and loves travelling, has climbed Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount  Everest. Loves Jordan and its people, he captures the countries beauty though his photographs.

                                                        Born in 1979, In Amman – Jordan, Linda was fascinated by photography as a child and began taking pictures at the age of 13 when she was given her first 110mm compact camera. In 1998 Linda took her first course in black and white photography followed by special studies in 2002 at The Saint Spirit University / Keslik, in Lebanon. in 2007, with her accumulated experience, linda establish Darat Al Tasweer.

                                                        Linda has been teaching photography since 2005, she works as a professional photographer specialized in architecture. She dedicates time for her passion to the art of documentary photography and she is  working on her long term project "Stories from the Mountains of Amman". The first phase along with other projects "Stories from Jabal Al Lweibdeh" were exhibited in different places around the world.

                                                        Naima Kaddour
                                                        Naima Kaddour is  Publishing Licensing Manager for Magnum Photos Agency, where she works closely with publishers' illustrated and educative departments, and coordinates the Magnum book projects at Paris offices. She joined the famous agency in 1991, and she is commited to major projects, including working on the digitalisation of the huge archive base owned by the agency. She took part to the world Press Photo Project "Reporting Changing" and currently heads the Algerian photographers collective named Collective 220.

                                                        Naima Kaddour est Publishing Licensing Manager au sein de l'agence Magnum Photos. Elle y travaille conjointement avec les secteurs illustrés et éducatifs des maisons d'édition, et coordonne les projets de livres Magnum aux bureaux de Paris. Elle a rejoint la prestigieuse agence en 1991, et est engagée dans de nombreux projets majeurs, travaillant notamment à la numérisation de l'immense base d'archive que possède l'agence . Elle a  participé au projet du  World Press Photo "Reporting Changing" et préside actuellement le collectif de photographes Algériens, Collective 220.
                                                        Yohanne Lamoulère
                                                        Yohanne Lamoulère was Born in 1980, not far from Mediterranean sea. She got her bachelor's degree in The Comoros and graduated from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de la Photographie in Arles in 2004. Then she moved in Marseille.
                                                        She almost daily works with french and foreign presses : Libération and Le Monde, Le Nouvel Observateur, Causette and Télérama, La Republica in Italy or Der Spiegel in Germany.

                                                        Member of Transit Collectif, and represented by Picturetank agency, Yohanne likes people's company, those who are off-camera. She takes her time to be where she is.

                                                        Yohanne Lamoulère est née en 1980, pas très loin de la Méditerranée. Elle obtient son bac aux Comores, est diplômée de l’École Nationale Supérieure de la Photographie d’Arles en 2004, puis s’installe à Marseille.

                                                        Elle collabore quasi quotidiennement avec la presse française et étrangère : Libération et Le Monde, Le Nouvel Observateur, Causette et Télérama, La Republica en Italie ou Der Spiegel en Allemagne.

                                                        Membre du collectif Transit et représentée par l'agence Picturetank Yohanne aime la compagnie des gens, ceux qui peuplent le hors champ. Et prends le temps d'être là où elle est.

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