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2014 Beirut Photo MarathonSaturday September 27 2014View PhotosSee Event Photos

Jury Award



    Opportunity to work with EXECUTIVE MAGAZINE to create a photo-essay fea-ture that will be published in the magazine’s online edition

    One-year SPONSORED ACCOUNT ON FOTOVISURA, a self-publishing community for photography that offers memberships with access to grants, workshops, and a public archive used by editors to find new talent.

    Your photography will be exhibited at TAMYRAS' POSITIVE LEBANON book launch.

      Jury Award

        Opportunity to work with EXECUTIVE MAGAZINE to create a photo-essay fea-ture that will be published in the magazine’s online edition

        Your photography will be exhibited at TAMYRAS' POSITIVE LEBANON book launch.

          ONLINE VOTE

            A new GOPRO HERO3 BLACK EDITION!

              ONLINE VOTE

                $300 TOWARDS PHOTOGRAPHY GEAR of your choice

                  Past Events

                  Take part with a digital camera or high quality mobile phone. Please bring necessary transfer devices with you (memory cards, USB's, etc.)

                  You must capture and submit 1 image for each of the 12 given themes

                  Information on each photo must be recorded in the photographer notebook distributed by the organizers

                  All images must be taken using the same device

                  All images must be shot as JPEG files. RAW files will not be accepted.

                  You are free to use flashes, filters and tripods.

                  You are not permitted to edit the images, use any image-processing programs or use images that are not taken during Photo Marathon. You are not permitted to amend the filename or any exif-data related to the images.

                  MARATHON SCHEDULE

                  9am: briefing and first 4 themes distributed at USJ Campus de l'innovation et du sport (Mat7af), Francois S. Bassil Amphitheatre.

                  2pm: submit first 4 photos and receive the next 4 themes at Kitchen Lab, Mar Nicolas Stairs, Gemayze

                  6pm: submit second set of 4 photos and receive last 4 themes at Fairco, Corniche al Mazraa (beside Abed Al-Naser Mosque)

                  10pm: submit remaining 4 photos at USJ Campus de l'innovation et du sport (Mat7af)

                  MOST IMPORTANTLY, stay safe and exercise good judgement in taking your photos. Remember that taking photos of security forces and military is prohibited in Lebanon. If you must, always ask before taking a photo of any sensitive site. Have fun out there!

                  في التاسعة صباحا، سيقدم ملخص مضاف اليه أول أربعة مواضيع في الجامعة اليسوعية – المتحف

                  في الثانية بعد الظهر، تسليم الصور الأربع الأولى واستلام المواضيع الأربعة التالية في كتشن لاب ، درج مار نقولا ، الجميزة

                  في السادسة مساء، تسليم الصور الأربعة التالية، واستلام آخر أربعة مواضيع في فيركو ، كورنيش المزرعة ، جانب جامع عبد الناصر.

                  في العاشرة مساء، تسليم الصور الأربعة الأخيرة في الجامعة اليسوعية – المتحف.

                  يمكن استعمال كاميرا رقمية او هاتف ذي جودة عالية، والرجاء إحضار الادوات اللازمة لنقل الصور.

                  يجب التقاط 12 صورة ل12 موضوعا (صورة خاصة لكل موضوع).

                  على المصور ان يسجل المعلومات الخاصة بكل صورة على الدفتر الموزع عليه من المنظمين.

                  على جميع الصور ان تؤخذ من جهاز التصوير نفسه.

                  جميع الصور يجب ان تكون مأخوذة على نظام JPEG. الصور المأخوذة على نظام RAW غير مقبولة.

                  لكم حرية استخدام ادوات الاضاءة وفلاتر للعدسات كما يحق لكم استعمال منصب ثلاثي القوائم (tripod).

                  من غير المسموح : التلاعب بالصور، استعمال أي برامج خاصة لتعديلها، تسليم أي صور لم تؤخذ يوم إجراء الماراتون، تغيير اسم الملف الخاص بالصور او قاعدة البيانات المتعلقة بها.

                  لأكثر اهمية :الرجاء اتخاذ الحيطة والتفكير مليا عند أخذ الصور، مع العلم ان الصور الخاصة بالجيش وقوى الأمن وكل ما يتعلق بمراكزهم هي من الممنوعات في لبنان. اذا كان الأمر اضطراريا، يجب اخذ الإذن قبل تصوير أماكن ذات حساسية.

                  استمتعوا بوقتكم

                  Past Events

                  Philip Jones Griffiths Foundation
                  The Philip Jones Griffiths Foundation is a charitable trust established in 2000 by the late photojournalist Philip Jones Griffiths.The object of the Foundation is to further the education of the public in the art and science of photography with a particular emphasis on helping and aiding young photojournalists. Katherine Holden and Fanny Ferrato will be helping to pick a winner for the Beirut Photo Marathon on behalf of the Foundation.Both Katherine and Fanny, as trustees of the Philip Jones Griffiths Foundation, have had extensive experience coordinating exhibitions, from New York City and Los Angeles to Vietnam, and are currently working on securing, digitising and presenting the archive of Mr. Griffiths. Katherine worked for many years on Philip's photographs and helped with the creation of the book Recollections. Katherine and Fanny have just finished co-coordinating an exhibition at the National Library of Wales

                  Patrick Baz
                  Patrick Baz is French-Lebanese, born in Beirut in 1963. He was twelve when war broke out in 1975. Living near the demarcation line separating the Christian and Muslim zones, Baz was stimulated by what was going on around him to take up photography at an early age. Lebanon became his training ground. Between 1980 and 1988, he worked as a freelance photojournalist. His pictures were published in major international magazines like Paris Match, TIME, NewsWeek, Stern, Spiegel, l’Express, L’Espresso etc. In 1989, Agence France-Presse (AFP) gave him the opportunity to cover the First Intifada in Gaza and the West Bank. He also covered the First Gulf War in 1990, and later conflicts in Kurdistan, Somalia, Bosnia, Iraq and Afghanistan. Baz is currently AFP’s photo manager for the MENA region, but continues to work as a photographer on the field. He recently covered the Arab revolutions in Egypt and Libya.He sat as a member of the World Press Photo jury, the Bayeux Calvados Award for War Correspondents among other prestigious awards. Baz won two POYi (Pictures of the Year International) Award delivered by the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute at the Missouri School of Journalism. In 2009 Baz published “Don’t Take My Picture, Iraqis Don’t Cry”.

                  Patrick Baz, photo-reporter franco-libanais né à Beyrouth en 1963, est directeur photo de l’AFP pour le Moyen-Orient depuis 20 ans. Il n’a que 12 ans quand la guerre du Liban éclate, en 1975. Habitant près de la ligne de démarcation séparant les Chrétiens des Musulmans, Patrick Baz se met à photographier ce qui se passe autour de lui, malgré son jeune âge. Le Liban devient son terrain d’apprentissage. Entre 1980 et 1988, il travaille comme photo-journaliste freelance, ses images sont publiées dans des magazines internationaux tels que Paris Match, Time, NewsWeek, Stern, Spiegel, L’Express, etc. En 1989, l’Agence France Presse (AFP) lui donne l’opportunité de couvrir la première Intifada. Entre temps, il couvre d’autres conflits qui secouent la planète, notamment la première guerre du Golfe en 1990, le Kurdistan en 1991, la Somalie, l’enfer de Sarajevo en 1993, les guerres d’Irak et d’Afghanistan dans les années 2000 et plus récemment les soulèvements en Egypte et en Libye.

                  Ghada Waked
                  Ghada Waked is a Professor at the University of Balamand ALBA and Holy Spirit University of Kaslik. She is also President of Beirut's Biennial for the Image and founder of Albedo Creative Platform.

                  Tania Hadjithomas Mehanna
                  Tania Hadjithomas Mehanna co-founded Tamyras Publishing House in 2003 and is now acting director. She has been a journalist for over a decade and has worked as editor-in-chief of cultural magazines such as Esquisse, and Alinea, an online literary magazine. After launching the CD-Rom called Tawarikh, which gave a chronology of Lebanon’s events throughout the century, she decided to focus her research on Lebanese traditions. She is also the author of seven books: Un phare sur la Méditerranée, Vert Méditerrannée et Tous les enfants ont des droits, three bilingual children books. She also wrote Invitation au voyage, a work dedicated to Beirut National Museum artefacts and their relation to various towns; Beirut by Day, a coffee-table book on the city’s history and stories; Lebanon & on, a coffee-table book about Lebanese traditions and Le Phoenicia, un hôtel dans l’histoire, published back in 2012.

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